I’ve had better orgasms with aliens than with men. It feels like a rainbow is coming out of me (no pun intended). An intense energy rocks my body so hard that my pelvis jerks up. Half of the time, I can’t see who’s with me. I can always hear his voice, though.
I use the word him because it’s a masculine presence. I’m straight, so I assume this is why entities use this ruse. I understand that many higher life forms are androgynous. Whenever a feminine spirit is around, it’s more of a friendly guide.
Whenever I sense a male, I want to have sex with him. The better I get with astral projecting and lucid dreaming, the more I can integrate my “Brooke” self (personality) into the dreamscape. But it’s comical that I’m so horny in other dimensions because I’m not like that here on Earth. Perhaps Freud would say I’m just living out my subconscious frustrations in my sleep.
I can differentiate when I’m astral traveling, living out one of my parallel realities, or having a regular dream, though. I know this is one way higher life forms give humans creative energy, and I’m here for it! From my understanding, many aliens don’t practice intercourse, but they know humans enjoy it. Orgasms and sex magick transfer energy and ideas from entity to human.
Although I haven’t received the winning lottery numbers or an image of the next great invention (yet), I know that I’m getting something beyond gratification. Astral sex with high vibrational entities is different from sex with ghosts. Although I’ve never gone all the way with one, I’ve had one try to take off my underwear before https://esotericbrooke.com/meet-your-new-friends-2/. It’s a common phenomenon in the sleep paralysis world.
I believe these lower vibrational spirits try to have sex with humans just to scare us. These types of entities feed off fear. But high-frequency aliens want to help humans. I think astral sex is a way aliens “give back” to those of us who are open to it.
It feels similar to sex but better because there’s no wasted energy trying to accomplish an orgasm. There’s no sweaty, dense body on top or under you. There’s no running out of breath or needing to take a break. Astral sex is clear-cut and to the point.
It seems like it only takes seconds to climax. An energy penis also resembles a human penis. I’ve heard that others who’ve experienced astral sex can’t feel penetration, but I can. If you can imagine sex but replace everything physical (like the body and the member) with just energy, then you’ve got astral sex!
The orgasm is way more intense, too! The explosive peak shoots me out of my room and into the cosmos. From there, I usually go into a dream. Astral sex can be another out-of-body/between-two-worlds experience.
When this happens, I’m aware I’m semi-in my body and in the fourth dimension until I orgasm. After that, I astral project into a dream. Since there’s an awareness of being in two worlds simultaneously, I wouldn’t classify this as a “wet dream.” I’ve had dreams of having sex with exes and celebrities, and it’s not the same!
Sometimes we meet with people from our past on the astral plane to partake in a sexual act. But most sex dreams are about an energy exchange rather than a nocturnal emission. Some beings and guides I’ve interacted with have told me that “they disguise themselves.” (https://esotericbrooke.com/dream-messages-2/) Because of this, I think there’s a chance people can dream of having sex with Chris Hemsworth, but really, it’s an extraterrestrial!
Imagine how alarming it would be if you woke up next to E.T. It might take you immediately out of your dream. There’ve been many times I’ve had sex with entities, but I can’t see them. If someone walked in on me, it would probably look like a scene from Nightmare on Elm Street, but without the gore.
The higher-frequency light beings are the ones I cannot see. Many stories speak about how these entities give themselves a human or animal form (think Egyptian lore). My theory is that they know I’m not afraid of having sex with just energy, so they don’t have to go through the transformation trouble. I believe the ones that come to me in human form are aliens trying to protect me because they fear their appearance might scare me.
I’ve seen aliens who look like Klingons. And I wasn’t begging to have sex with one! But I’ve been more creative since being intimate with visitors. On these nights, I sleep deeper and wake up with tons of energy.
I had reiki done the same morning as having sex with an alien, and the practitioner told me that my sacral chakra was balanced (without me telling her about my experience). Whenever I went to her prior, that chakra was always deficient. Since the sacral chakra has to do with sexual energy, I found this to be proof that I’d received healing power from extraterrestrials. An orgasm is life force energy that helps people create.
Humans can use this as a way to plug into the ether. Although I’m very protective of my body and those I share myself with now, I will always make room for benevolent beings. I once heard someone ask something like; you wouldn’t let just anyone download their files into your computer, right? Then be as protective of your body and energy as you would your laptop!
Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician. Anything expressed in my videos, website, and all social media accounts is my personal opinion and should be viewed for entertainment purposes only.
The deepest pleasure exists in the mind and can be found in intentions and words that fuck and stimulate
haha, EXACTLY! Thanks for the comment!
Would love to dive deeper in this subject and others
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